Our Team


Kristi Kelly

Emotion Academy is led by Kristi Kelly, a technology and emotion specialist with over ten years of experience in psychology research, ten years designing brain-friendly tools to strengthen wellbeing and relationships, and five years delivering cutting-edge wellbeing technologies to communities like schools and workplaces.

Kristi was originally trained in the New York University Social-Cognitive Psychology Department’s Human Motivation Lab. She maintains relationships with some of the world’s foremost research institutions and has created impactful services like YouHue.com, a social-emotional learning and relationship support tool used by schools around the world. Kristi also consults for technology companies, like Microsoft, on how their digital tools can strengthen communities and collaboration.

Kristi’s unique talent is translating top-quality research into information and digital experiences that empower people to reach their goals and grow, while becoming more emotionally healthy and connected to others. She is known for bridging the gap between scientific advancement and practical solutions to deliver meaningful, progressive value through design that is backed by the most advanced psychology research and user experience methods. 🌱

Connect with Kristi on LinkedIn

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Graeme metcalf

Emotion Academy co-founder, Graeme Metcalf (a.k.a. Grabbins), is a multi-media designer and brand director who has spent the last 10+ years bringing ideas to life. He is known for creating visual experiences that resonate with people emotionally, motivate engagement, and inspire a sense of community.

Graeme was originally trained in graphic design at New College Durham and The University of Sunderland in the United Kingdom. After graduation, Graeme worked with small businesses and startups in the entrepreneurial scene in Newcastle, UK. In 2012, he moved to New York City to work for the likes of Vice Media, SeatGeek, and Turntable.fm. If you’re a New Yorker, you’ve probably seen Graeme’s work for SeatGeek in subway ads or in the form of the 40ft ‘Let’s Go’ mural on the Colossal Media building in Williamsburg.

Graeme’s unique talent is his flexible style and methods. He is known for being able to adapt to any challenge to deliver design that meets people where they are, physically and emotionally. Whether he is working through physical product design, digital product design, or any of the many communication channels both online and offline, Graeme’s designs speak the language of the people whose lives they touch. 🌱

Connect with Graeme on LinkedIn